Fiche cheval elite incredible

R6C9plathandicap 19021singapour1600M33887super easy 2013 stakes class 418 partantsdépart à 08:02
Non-partants : 9 - 16 - 17 - 18
12energy babyH53p1p5p3p2pb pinheiro/101:35
215lim's puncak jayaH64p6p8p5p3pl. beuzelin/1cte tete
310rockyH51p3p5p7p0pn zyrul/11 l 1/2
44super bowlH43p3p7p7pph seow/11/2 l
58savvy commandH72p5p8p6p3pd moor/11/2 l
65pacific starH45p4p1p6p1pv duric/1encolure
76amazing breezeH64p6p8p0p5pr woodworth/11 l 1/4
81elite incredibleM80p7p3p4p4ph bowman/1nez
97winning strideH51p2p5p9p2pcc wong/11 l 1/4
1011darcyH41p3p0p4p8pwh kok/11 l
113preditorH114p6p3p9p3pr stewart/11/2 l
9great warriorH32p4p4p4pm nunes/1
1213global kidH88p2p6p3p2pi saifudin/11 l 1/2
1312gemilangH58p0p9p1p3pk a'isisuhairi/11/2 l
1414luck of masterH96p6p6p6p5pk faiz/11 l
16ahorsewithnonameF50p8p0p3p7preserviste 2/1
17see yahH90p2p2p1p1preserviste 3/1
18big green hatH59p6p0p5p8preserviste 4/1

R6C11plathandicap 19630singapour1200M47441class 3 (turf)13 partantsdépart à 09:00
Non-partants : 13
14januaryH42p0p4p1p3pwh kok/101:10
29king zoustarH83p1p4p4p4pb queiroz/1nez
33cosmic dancerH45p1p1p1p5pph seow/11 l 3/4
41legend of the sunH88p5p3p7p7pclyde leck/1tete
55wealth eliteH77p2p(22)0p2pk a'isisuhairi/11 l
62songgong heraH7(22)9p7p3p2pt krisna/11/2 l
711reigniteH66p2p(22)8p3pl beuzelin/1encolure
810paletasH76p1p5p9p2pth koh/1tete
96heroH64p8p3p5p3pr stewart/1encolure
107elite incredibleM87p3p4p4p3pn zyrul/11 l 1/4
1112fight onH41p2p3p1p3ps shafrizal/12 l
128i am sacredH78p8p2p4p2pr iskandar/11/2 l

R7C8plathandicap 20574singapour1800M48843well done 2016 stakes class 38 partantsdépart à 07:35
11so hi classH70p7p3p3p6pth koh/101:48
26ramboH71p(21)1p4p2pm lerner/1encolure
33trumpyH87p5p8p4p0ph bowman/1nez
48wind trailH85p9p1p0pb pinheiro/1cte tete
52tangibleH98p4p9p8p8pv duric/11 l
64real efectoH61p1p6p0p2pk a'isisuhairi/11/2 l
77elite incredibleM83p4p4p3p8pwh kok/11 l 1/2
85heroH63p5p3p1p4pd moor/12 l 1/2

R8C10plathandicap 21481singapour1600M48843speedy cat 2013 stakes class 39 partantsdépart à 08:30
16real efectoH61p6p0p2p2pk a'isisuhairi/101:34
27street cry successH96p5p1p3p4pwh kok/1encolure
35elite incredibleM84p4p3p8pr stewart/13/4 l
48tridentH56p3p5p1p4pn zyrul/11/2 l
53sacred commandH61p1p8p4pr woodworth/13/4 l
69elite legendH41p3pm nunes/1nez
71trumpyH85p8p4p0p0pc schofield/1tete
82pennywiseH84p2p7p4p5pb pinheiro/11/2 l
94in all his gloryH72p8p6p6pd moor/11 l

R8C9plathandicap 25381singapour1200M48843handicap (class 3)9 partantsdépart à 08:00
16city gold forwardH63p2pm nunes/101:08
29paletasH77p7p7p0p9pth koh/11/2 l
35elite incredibleM88p(22)8p0p7pk a'isisuhairi/13 l 1/2
47big tigerH76p9p7p1p3pm akmazani/13/4 l
51legend of the sunH83p7p7p0pr iskandar/11 l 1/2
62lim's dreamH85p6p0p9pm lerner/1nez
73i am sacredH78p3p3p3p3pr woodworth/12 l 1/2
84entertainerH76p0p0p7pf yusoff/12 l
98war prideH72p4p4p4p1pb pinheiro/11/2 l

R5C10platgroupe i 50851singapour2000M630240singapore gold cup group 118 partantsdépart à 08:30
Non-partants : 17 - 18
11lim's lightningH61p1p1p2p1pd beasley/102:02
27hard too thinkH51p3p1p2p1pm lerner/13/4 l
35mr malekH50p7p3p4p1pcc wong/13/4 l
48katakM52p0p0pm kellady/11/2 l
54sacred croixH74p5p4p4p4pr shafiq/11 l 1/4
66big heartedH56p3p2p2p9pm nunes/1cte tete
710so hi classH53p9p4p1p1ps shafrizal/11/2 l
815king's commandH51p1p6p6p2pwh kok/13/4 l
93top knightH68p2p5p4p5pl beuzelin/1encolure
1016on lineH61p6p9p6p8pi saifudin/12 l
112ministerH59p8p5p6p1pk a'isisuhairi/13/4 l
1213savvy commandH57p5p6p3p1pk hakim/1encolure
1312trumpyH61p3p6p6p7po chavez/11/2 l
149ocean crossingH67p6p8p4p1pm zaki/17 l 1/2
1514strong n powerfulH50p1p7p5p4pr iskandar/12 l
1611elite incredibleM62p0p1p5p3ps john/12 l
17special opsH52p1p2p1p3preserviste 1/1
18real efectoH43p1p1p6p3preserviste 2/1

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